All Premium SlashingCreeps Perks

Premium advantages

Articles, preview, support by messaging, coaching... Take advantage of exclusive advantages by becoming Premium!




Exclusive items

Priority access and preview

Ad-free navigation

Exclusive roles and emotes

Instant messaging support


One hour of free coaching per month




Cancel for free and when you want your renewal

Standard price per month

1.99€ | 3 months

4.99€ | 1 months

29.99€ | 1 months

Reduced prices per month with multiple months

1.49€ | 12 months

3.99€ | 12 months

24.99€ | 6 months

After your subscription choice, your premium account is automatically activated if you have a Paypal account! You can also create the Paypal account just before taking the premium. Also remember to clear your browser's cache in order to access premium articles. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to us at !

Learn more about the benefits

For the version Premium :

  • In addition to the content, each month exclusive items on games like Last Epoch, Diablo 4, Path of Exile 2, Hades 2, Baldur's Gate 3 and more!
  • Priority access to events, guilds and preview information
  • Emotes and an exclusive role on Discord and the website

For the version Premium+, including all premium benefits:

  • Contact by instant messaging in case of problem on a build, advice on a game, etc.

For the version VIP, including all premium and premium + benefits:

  • 1h from coaching by Alchemists every month

What is coaching?

You will be coached by Alchemists, you can book your coaching by writing to us directly at To find out the subjects, prices and examples of coaching, find our dedicated page Coaching SlashingCreeps !


Subscriber to YouTube, what are your advantages?
You unlock the same benefits as on the site, remember to contact us to unlock your rights.

Subscriber to Twitch, what are your advantages?
You unlock the same benefits as on the site, remember to contact us to unlock your rights. THE Twitch Prime unlock premium benefits!

What are your benefits by donating?
The premium will be up to your donation, remember to send us an email following your donation.

How can you subscribe or stop your subscription?
You will find the subscriptions just above, or on your Profile page. To unsubscribe, on your profile page click on "Unsubscribe".

Currently only via Paypal, it's very easy to create an account if you don't have one yet.

Is the payment secure?
SlashingCreeps uses SSL encryption guaranteeing the security of all your data, in addition all monetary transactions are carried out on the Paypal site for their security.

You have an old premium format
Of course, you keep all the advantages of Premium, with the special rate to thank you for being among the first! You will keep these advantages as long as your Premium is renewed!

You want to change premium offer
If you want to go from Premium + to Premium, or Premium to VIP for example, cancel your renewal and take the one that suits you.

For any questions or to activate your benefits, do not hesitate to contact us at